2022/23 saw the 75th season of the choir. We celebrated this remarkable achievement on 10th June 2023 with a Tea at Three party.

We were delighted to welcome many members and friends – past and present.
We said “Goodbye and Thank You” to Kate, our retiring Musical Director, and presented her with a cheque and name plates for her new boat. We were also able to congratulate Peter Tansley, one of our tenors, on his fiftieth season singing with the choir and presented him with a rosebush.

The afternoon was made even more special as our patron, Lord Beith, was able to join us and he helped to cut the anniversary cake which Christine Smith kindly baked for the occasion. Lord Beith then gave a short speech thanking Kate for her years as our Musical Director and emphasising the importance of choirs and the choral tradition.

We were reminded of the history of our choir as Peter Tansley, Christine Smith and Margaret Joseph shared their memories of the early years of the choir. In particular they spoke about the contribution of Kate’s predecessors, Stewart McCormick - who was able to join us for the afternoon – and David Parkinson.
Now it is time to look forward. Our interim Musical Director for the autumn term will be Marion Scammell. Under Marion’s capable direction, we can look to the future with confidence.